
Did you know that audiobook usage is continuously growing and that the average audiobook user listens to five audiobooks each year? This means there’s never been a better time to start offering them to your users.

Audiobooks keep readers connected to the stories and authors they love by providing them the ability to read like never before. There is always time to read with audiobooks whether it’s while sitting in traffic, multitasking at the office or during a workout.

OverDrive makes it easy and convenient to offer audiobooks to your patrons because they are offered on the same website as your eBooks. And with the Holiday Spectacular Sale running through the end of the year, this makes now the perfect time to add an audiobook collection while maximizing your budget.

Get started today by shopping these great sale lists and start providing your users with this exciting reading experience:

Adult Fiction

Kids Fiction

Teen Fiction

Adult Nonfiction

Kids Nonfiction

Teen Nonfiction