By: Jill Grunenwald, librarian and OverDrive Collection Development Analyst

We here at OverDrive know that our library partners serve diverse patron populations. Not just in terms of what types of books they read but also what languages those books are in.


Our catalog consists of over three million titles and each month we add 50,000 more. These new titles are in all formats and we are constantly adding new publishers, too. Many of these publishers offer languages other than English (LOTE), allowing you to add content that will be of interest to the wide range of readers you serve.

Currently, the OverDrive catalog offers titles in 52 languages, including some new ones like German and Polish, and we have both simplified Chinese and traditional. We also have a huge manga collection and recently added Viz Media to our list of publishers!

When doing an Advanced Search in Marketplace there is a drop down button that will allow you to select from a list of languages. Try playing around with it to see the vast range of languages we offer.

For those with a large Spanish speaking population, we also have 50,000 Spanish titles available for purchase. This includes eBooks, audiobooks, and streaming video, and while some of the titles are translated from English we also have some native Spanish titles as well. With options across all reading levels and age ranges, these are sure to be popular among your patrons. For more information about our Spanish language collection, be sure to check out this awesome blog post Elissa Miller wrote last month.